I installed the Just Flight Bf109e yesterday, but wanted to find the manual as it's not obvious where it is put. Steam just does it's work in the background and no indication of the folders it uses. Especially confusing for me as I have a mix of FSX Gold Edition and FSX Steam Edition folders and alo a lot of addon content on a separate SSD, so more than one Steam folder.
After quite a bit of searching using the painfully slow Windows 7 file finder in Explorer (searched for bf109), it turns out the DLC content for the Messerschmitt is in D:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\DLC\379232
What a really obvious place for it ! That folder has 4 subfolders and some DRM files. The folders are Effects, JustFlight (contains the manual), SimObjects and Sound.
So the full manual path for me is (it's on my SSD), "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\DLC\379232\JustFlight\BattleOfBritain_Me109\Me 109 manual Steam.pdf"
I created a shortcut for it and placed on my Desktop !
Thanks - you solved my problem too!