Wednesday, 1 July 2015

REX Soft clouds SP1

I was on Just Flight website and I noticed the weekly special of REX Soft clouds and watched a positive review about the product. With my points, I got it for just over 1 Euro!

I cannot say I am an FSX cloud expert, so I find it hard to notice the difference, yes the clouds look good, but then I can't say I noticed the default clouds looking shabby. Some things I didn't like:
The initial download is small but that's because it's a downloader, without prompting then downloads the product. A bit irritating for me at the moment as I am on 3G. It then installs, but it does not notify me where it installs to, which I would like to know as I have the Steam Edition and need to know it's compatible. I adjust the FSX settings to those recommended and chose my cloud pack according to the user manual. Another small niggle, the user manual says there is a cloud pack selector (which is obvious), but it does not explain what the difference is with each pack and the thumbnails provided also give no idea, they all look pretty much the same for me, with the same descriptions. So I chose pack 1 (there are 16) and click Install button. Ah now I see the dialog confirming installation folders!

OK, maybe not the best scenery to try them out with, but this screenshot from my latest purchase, Aerosoft Kilimanjaro Airport 2015. I paid a little extra and bought it from Aerosoft instead of from Just Flight as it seems that website needs me to sign up to Verified by Visa (which I won't).

Carenado C172 takeoff from Kilimanjaro
I also tried out Pack 15, with the free Aerosoft Alcatraz scenery and Orbx Weather 4. This one seemed to affect the frame rate.